'Colonialist' Message in Advertisement


Either we realize or not, there are actually many advertisements out there that bring indirect message that we sometimes would not aware of. Here, we took some advertisements that we believe has some colonialist message and indirectly portray racism towards other party. 

This ad is actually made by a company that sells soap in America. But, the way they advertise the soap is indirectly made the Black feels inferior . The use of the White kid as someone who hold the soap and wanted to give to the Black kid shows that the White come into Africa to help them become more like them.they wanted to civilize them in a way that they think the Black should be like them. besides, the way they compare how the kids dress shows that the White is being more civilized that the Black. Not only that it also tells us that White is more superior than Black  as the way they dress and all tells that they've everything. The line " Why Doesn't Your Mamma Wash You With Fairy Soap"  can indirectly means being black is not acceptable and being white is better.

Image result for colonialism in africa advertisement

When we see this picture, there was nothing wrong about it at first. But as we've seen through it, we realized that there is an imperialism criticism that we can relate on. The White is viewed as literate and full of knowledge while the Black vice versa. This is because, the White teaching Black is in a way to indicate that White got all the knowledge that they need to know. Not to forget, the way one dressed up play vital role in this illustration. The White can be regarded as modern and civilized through they way they dressed up while the Black who wears only white clothing without shoes show that they are not that civilized as compared to the White.


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